About Me
Brigitte Craig was born in 1955 in a little town in Germany and grew up in Munich. In the early 1970’s she joined a group headed to India to mediate, traveled the world, and ended up in America on the urging of some friends.
She met her current husband Michael in 1987 as a chiropractic patient. They moved in together in 1993 and have been happily married since 1995. Brigitte is the founder and CEO of a Computer sales company in Atlanta, and has worked in similar positions since the 1980s.
Brigitte and Michael celebrate their 19th anniversary in March, 2014. They have no children except for a couple of Ragdoll cats, “Sammy” and “Pritti,” the latest king and queen of the household whose demands for food, petting and grooming keep them busy.
Brigitte can be reached by email at brigitte [at] logicalsoul [dot] com.
Hi Soma,
I am doing logical soul sessions with your husband and he told me about your great work with relationships.
I am divorced and dating a wonferful man who I met 2 months ago, we did some logical soul and he is afraid of having an stable and happy relationship, he says he is afraid of disappointing me.
I would love some advice from you.
Big thanks, You and Michael are an inspiration!
Thank you so much for sending me your concerns and question to a part of your life that is really important, relationships There are many different ones and it’s always good to be clear what kind of relationship we enter and if it’s the relationship where one makes a commitment to always speak the truth because I know that I really only want to speak of nice things and wish the other issues would just go away which of course they don’t.
So a commitment to always speak the truth keeps interesting and helps one grow. And it’s o.k. to also have relationships that are just fun, just safe, just to relax….and what I know is that to really live in an alive relationship I have to be willing and ready a) to look at my stuff, and b) to risk the relationship, only by risking it will it grow.
So your gentleman friend was truthful to tell you that he is afraid of a stable and loving relationship – so now you know what you won’t get – a stable and loving relationship. Can that change? Yes, if he has the courage using tools like Logical Soul to find out what let him to the decision that stable and loving relationship are not possible or safe or some other reason.
And, he has a very good reason to see it that way . . . something big did happen and he has no access to change it with his Conscious Mind. So he is not a bad person, o.k? The question is, does it still serve him? Does he want to have it that way. That is his freedom.
Your freedom is
-to allow him the space to choose
-to find out what you really want and need
-to find out why you don’t have it yet – and trust me there is also a very good reason things are the way they are and once you “see” them, it’s like “of course”
What I personally would like is that the Logical Soul Process is available to all couples and children because there is not need to fight, or bad divorces or misery. If couple know how to ask the right questions and are compassionate with their partners our world will change. Thanks again for the question, and for allowing us into your life!
Hi Briggite,
Big thanks for your wonderful advice, I will let him know and choose what he wants for himself.
At the same time I will do some soul searching with myself.
Hi Raquel:
am in awe of the courageous person you are and inspired that you will create the life you really want. One of my teachers said, “there are no maps you create them while you walk” –
Good Luck and we are here for you.