Archive for the ‘self-help’ Category

Inner Wisdom, Gurus, Mom and Chocolate

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Most self awareness teachers simply talk AT you.

Actually, I’ve noticed many of them scream at you . . . about their wisdom, their technique, or whatever “uplifting” message they want you to have.

While its true that most of them have something we want (or else we wouldn’t have bothered to show up), these “gurus” take full advantage of our needs, i.e., for happiness, money, fame, relationships, health, or whatever else we may crave.   So we do what they say, write stuff down and, yes, by golly we commit to practicing their methods and techniques.

Then, guess what. Three months later we’ve forgotten everything we wrote down or committed to.  So we go to another seminar or workshop where we get someone ELSE to scream at us!

Personally, I WANT to be positive. Therefore I don’t give up easily.  But after a few years even I – the most dedicated follower of gurus – have often become cynical or started to think I didn’t follow the rules properly.  Obviously, its not the GURU’s fault . . .  so it must be mine, right?

Actually no.  It wasn’t my fault.  And neither is it yours.

Oh BTW, I’m not saying that techniques taught by teachers and “gurus” don’t help you.  They can certainly do wonders for those who are ready to receive their wisdom.  But what about the rest of us?  Their teaching might not help me or you because much of their teaching – by its very nature – is “paving over the swamp.”

In other words,  you might already have some inner laws in place that won’t allow for these techniques to take root in your own life!  So, how do you find out what inner laws govern you?

Try this on . . .

All the wisdom you truly need is already in you. It only needs to be accessed and awakened.   Ask the questions and it will gladly answer.  A true “guru” or teacher is one who can teach you how to tap into your OWN inner wisdom – not give you the answers.  A true teacher is one who knows how to, essentially, act as a guide into your own field of inner wisdom – and inner resistance to that wisdom.

Guided by someone who knows what’s there, you can awaken to your own happiness and wisdom.  We must be guided by someone who respects that inner being – the One who knows everything that we ever thought, did, decided, promised, neglected, feared, trusted, and loved.

Imagine….it’s all there in oneself, hidden in plain sight.  This inner wisdom, however, is not a part of our logical consciousness.  Otherwise we would have already “fixed” it, as well as every problem we had. This is not the case.

There is a hidden logic – one that goes against our “common sense” logic that we think runs our lives.   The truth is, this inner logic runs our lives!

What if I tell you there is a technique to find the solution, and that this way  will enrich you, and make you fall in love with your self again.  Even the way itself is beautiful.  Once you get to the point where you see when – and where –  it all happened o you the first time, you will also see how it makes perfect sense that things are the way they are!

This is the inner “logic” – the logic of the soul!

Once you come to the point of discovery, back at the point of origin, you can change the original decision.  This change is profound and immediate.  The proof is the result in your daily life.  It is not some far away goal, it is immediate.  The technique is called The Logical Soul(R)  and I am so grateful to know it and have access to it.  Check out for more information.

o.k. so here we go:    i promised you yesterday that i would tell you one of my “discoveries”:

For the last 5 years or so I would every evening around 9 o’clock go in my pantry and start and pick a bar of chocolate and then eat it!  Now, during the day I’m totally health conscious, and it’s very easy for me to be that way.  I know when I’ve had enough food.

But somehow around 9 pm every night I would go on “automatic pilot”  and – even when I didn’t want to – start gobbling down the chocolate bars!  I would  observe myself doing this over and over, every night . . . like there was no choice in that matter.  I pretty much felt “done”.

So I thought about joining Over-eaters Anonymous (OA) since I completely out of control and thought I had an addiction.  I could also see where my health would be going sooner or later if I kept up this charade.

So I joined.  While I loved OA,  however, I was not able to change much of the nightly behavior.  I then thought I might be doing it “wrong,” or didn’t  take the program to heart.  ( this does not mean OA won’t work for you or that it did not work for me, OA works!)

So since Michael is my husband and he is available I asked him to  “check me out” when I had my next craving.  At first, what came up was “so what happened at 9 pm at night?”  Then I remembered:  at 9 o’clock on February 13th, 2001 my sister called from Munich to tell me that our mother died!

That was the key.  Once I locked in and “remembered,” I was able to release the decision to substitute “Chocolate for Mom” habits and the craving for chocolate stopped completely!

Sounds good, huh?  Well, not quite.  True, I stopped eating chocolate, but then switched over to other carbohydrates like cookies and pastries!   So now what?!  This problem just took on a different face. Then, this is what I did . . .

Actually, I’ll tell you tomorrow what I found out.

Dreams and Ex-Boyfriends

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

dream interpretationMy ex boyfriend Karl appeared in my dreams lately.  Whenever he did it was a given that I then “was with him again”.  That was just so, according to the dream.  I don’t know what the normal dream interpretation would be, but I have my own version.

Now in my conscious mind (my real waking life) I am glad to be married for 15 years to Michael and I want really want nothing to have to do with Karl.   In my dreams, however, it seemed it was not a choice.

So I woke up with this heavy feeling  and told Michael about it.  He said I was just seeing the good male (him of course) and the bad male (ex boyfried of course), and asked if I wanted him to beat up the ex for me.  I said yes, yes, do that.  So in my mind’s eye I imagined Michael in his superman costume and then I imagined Karl – but what came up was “little Karl”  – Karl’s inner child.  and then everything made sense to me.

When adult Karl was mean to me I told him then many, many years ago, that the (mental, emotional) pain I felt he must have felt when he was a child,  and that someone did that to him; also that he had no guts to explore that pain and it’s origin.   So in a way I was very, very close to his inner child.  In this scenario I explained to “little Karl” that I will move on now, and asked who I could bring to him for support.  I brought his parents in, his teacher, blessed him and bid him adieu.

I had no idea that I carried all this . . . and why now?  Thank you Michael for Logical Soul (tm) work!  Oh and Thank You for being you, someone I can share my truth with always!

Now one thing about Logical Soul(tm) and Pain.  In the therapies of the 70’s and 80’s one was connected to the drama of one’s life and kind of stayed there for a long time.  That’s no longer necessary.  Logical Soul(tm) uses pain and feelings as a quick doorway: you feel it and use it like an elevator to get you to the solution.

Now there is more to do to disconnect from ex boyfriends, ex girlfriends. I will do a write up on that later.

The work I am describing when we do sessions comes from  My recommendation: read the book or book a session.  You will be so glad you did.


Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

So,  I watched myself for the last few month “not-blogging”, wanting to blog but…. just did not do it.  So this morning I felt this space of “won’t blog” again and just stayed with it and shared that with Michael, just saying what’s so and when I looked a little deeper came up was “I need permission to express myself”  hmmh, from whom?

Well I checked (via muscle testing or kinesology) no, not from God but from my boss?  Now, my boss …… did I get there?  So I asked Michael to get me to the first time I made the decision that I need permission, or what scene in my life got me to that point where I am now “not daring to express myself, needing permission from a boss like person” and in a second I was there.  

As the mother in “Golden Girls” always said:  “picture it.., Sicily”  well in my case,  picture it, 1960, Germany I’m 5 years old in front of a milk store and I’m holding this toy in my hand.  There is also this young lady pushing a stroller and the child looks at my toy and really wants it, as he is nearly leaping out of the stroller.  I look at my toy, look at the lady and say, o.k. he can have it for 5 marks.  Lady looks at me very disgusted and says let’s go to your mother.  So we march one block to see my mother, lady explains to my mother and both women agree that I should just give away my toy and be happy! 

So…….I made many decisions at that moment and was of them was “it’s not safe to express myself”.   Now, since I saw the story, felt the event, I mean I am right there, now I can go to this little 5 year old as I am now as a grown up and ask her what she needs at this moment.  She told me she needs her mother to completely approve of her creativity how to exchange her toy for 5 marks.  So I the adult asked my mother to go ahead and extend all approval she got to the little one.    I asked my little girl is she fells safe enough now -with me at her side forever- to express herself fully, and, yes she said ohyes!

 So here I am, finally able to blog this evening.   As the saying goes “the proof is in the pudding”.

I found out that there are a few main stories/events in every ones life and we made lots of decisions at that moment at these events in rapid order.  I am so very lucky because I live with Michael who found this great technique, easy to use, not much talk, just going right to the bottom of “the event” and change the decision.  Life is great.  I am so grateful to have tools like that. I am so grateful to the people in my life.  Big Thanks to Dr. Leon Lashner, Atlanta who every time he saw me asked:  “have you started writing yet?”  Thank you to my beloved husband Michael Craig for always being available to me “to check me out”.  Many stories to follow.  Can’t wait to share them with you and hope to inspire sharing your own stories with me/us.