(In my last article, I spoke of my Logical Soul® session and about not feeling sacred, and changing that into being aware about the sacredness of one’s nature. In this article I will discuss underlying reasons why we lose our sacredness.)
I lost my sacredness through shame. But how – and why – did this happen?
When we don’t feel sacred, what do we feel? In my case deep hidden shame that showed up . . . eating just a little bit more in the evening of those chewy, tasty chocolate bars.
Interestingly enough, I read a book a few weeks before entitled Daring Greatly by Brenee Brown. I adore this book, and love her writing. Brenee has the courage to shine light in dark places; reading her book gave me words and permission to feel and accept shame and look at the hidden gifts!
I also previously attended a body-mind workshop by Dominique Sire, another beloved teacher and mentor of mine. Her words are often: “Body show me, what are you hiding?”
According to Dominique the body does not lie. Says she: “Trust the body, trust the wisdom of the body.” Check out her work at www.dominiquesire.com.
I love real transformational work, traveling into ones own Soul and finding treasures, and often explore this through Dominique’s work and through the Logical Soul®.