Posts Tagged ‘peeling the onion’

What Am I Covering Up? Part 1

Saturday, November 16th, 2013
Brigitte and Michael

Brigitte and Michael

Peeling the Onion.  That’s the analogy my husband Michael Craig uses to describe the process of uncovering different layers of “stuff” that hide your true self.  Sometimes I wish not to peel anything and just be done with the whole thing . . .  then the peeling  just happens anyway, just not the way I think it should!

So I was just sitting with Michael, enjoying being silent….and then I thought, “Nah,  I should clear up something.”  I like to clear stuff up . . . ways that stop me from living, loving  and committing to my growth.  However, when I was with Michael I felt I had to clear something up.  The thought occurred “what could be be so possible wrong with me that I have to clear something up first before I can just be with him?”

It is then that the face of Osho (my spiritual master) popped up.  I remember Him telling us “you are Buddhas, you are all Buddhas;  just asleep, but that does not change the very fact of who you truly are.” 

I remember hearing these words – spoken 30 years ago – but not really hearing them.  There was just no listening for this.

So then I did a Logical Soul® session, i.e., checked in with my ancestors and asked for the gift of feeling sacred.  What I got from them was a puzzled concern about  how it is possible to “feel sacred.”   Since I (and my ancestors) come from a religious background, we always had in the back of our minds that we were sinful and never good enough.  Maybe – just maybe – I could try to find redeeming qualities about myself, but sacredness was not among them.

Long story short, I proceeded with the Logical Soul® session and finally got permission and blessings from my ancestors to really live that way, i.e., feeling sacredness in my body and life.

What happened in my life afterwards was that I lost 5 pounds in one week and cannot eat any more after feeling full (by the way, this is the second month after that session)!  I no longer need to cover up, but what was I covering up?

So what are YOU covering up?  Do a Logical Soul® session and check my next post to find out!