Posts Tagged ‘michael craig’

Dreams and Ex-Boyfriends

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

dream interpretationMy ex boyfriend Karl appeared in my dreams lately.  Whenever he did it was a given that I then “was with him again”.  That was just so, according to the dream.  I don’t know what the normal dream interpretation would be, but I have my own version.

Now in my conscious mind (my real waking life) I am glad to be married for 15 years to Michael and I want really want nothing to have to do with Karl.   In my dreams, however, it seemed it was not a choice.

So I woke up with this heavy feeling  and told Michael about it.  He said I was just seeing the good male (him of course) and the bad male (ex boyfried of course), and asked if I wanted him to beat up the ex for me.  I said yes, yes, do that.  So in my mind’s eye I imagined Michael in his superman costume and then I imagined Karl – but what came up was “little Karl”  – Karl’s inner child.  and then everything made sense to me.

When adult Karl was mean to me I told him then many, many years ago, that the (mental, emotional) pain I felt he must have felt when he was a child,  and that someone did that to him; also that he had no guts to explore that pain and it’s origin.   So in a way I was very, very close to his inner child.  In this scenario I explained to “little Karl” that I will move on now, and asked who I could bring to him for support.  I brought his parents in, his teacher, blessed him and bid him adieu.

I had no idea that I carried all this . . . and why now?  Thank you Michael for Logical Soul (tm) work!  Oh and Thank You for being you, someone I can share my truth with always!

Now one thing about Logical Soul(tm) and Pain.  In the therapies of the 70’s and 80’s one was connected to the drama of one’s life and kind of stayed there for a long time.  That’s no longer necessary.  Logical Soul(tm) uses pain and feelings as a quick doorway: you feel it and use it like an elevator to get you to the solution.

Now there is more to do to disconnect from ex boyfriends, ex girlfriends. I will do a write up on that later.

The work I am describing when we do sessions comes from  My recommendation: read the book or book a session.  You will be so glad you did.